Pay attention to what is happening but read/listen selectively and wisely and NOT right before you go to sleep.
Cultivate kindness, compassion, forgiveness and the capacity to listen and be changed by what you hear. We want to BE the change we want to see.
Take time to do whatever it is that brings you joy
Find one or two ACTION buddies – people to make phone calls with, go marches with, host an activist party with. It can be fun to be activists together.
Donate as much money as you can to the organizations working on the issues you care about
Donate your time and skills to political, advocacy or service groups that are on the front lines
Learn what you need to know to be an ally to people in the groups being targeted – people of color, immigrants, Muslims, LGBT people, women. Here’s a link to a useful document from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Ten Ways to Fight Hate (
Show Up when it counts - at marches, town halls, demonstrations, meetings, etc