Suggested Agenda for An Activists Party
For 15 or more people. 3:00pm - 5:30pm.
3:00pm – Gather and socialize
3:20pm – Call to focus with a bell or chime
- Welcome
- Moment for centering
- Overview of why we are here
- What we will do today
- Other strategies to keep in mind
- have a flip chart written up and posted on side
- give money,
- give time,
- take care of yourself for the long run,
- digital diets to preserve your sanity,
- find your own political action support group to hold yourself accountable and feel connected
3:30pm – Opening circle
- With talking piece – one minute or so per person but not timed
- Name, town
- The issue that matters most to you –someone takes notes on pad from circle
4:00pm – Form groups of four with one person volunteering to be the note taker
- What are some actions people in this room, in this community, might undertake?
- Report out one idea from each group – do two rounds
- Collect notes, type them up, then send back to everyone who came with a thank you for coming
4:30pm – Being an up-stander - not remaining uninvolved when you are present to harassment or injustice? What can we do?
Facilitate sharing of stories:
- What have you seen someone else do?
- What have you done as an up-stander?
- What has been done for you?
5:00pm – Closing circle – make a commitment for a next step – short
5:15pm – More socializing
- Food and drink
- Name tags
- Talking piece
- Flip chart paper on walls
- Sticky notes
- Sharpies and Markers