Time to Restart the Resistance

My Weekly Resistance is back!  It’s 2020, the year we have been waiting for.  There’s work to be done to re-take the Presidency and the Senate, keep the House and win as much control as possible in state level politics.

We’ll be publishing on a biweekly schedule for now.  Most importantly, we will be providing information and suggestions that you can act on throughout 2020 starting today!

Stay with us, encourage your friends to join the mailing list and let’s do this together!

Action #1:  Help Speaker Pelosi force a fair Senate Trial

Majority Leader McConnell has promised to short circuit the impeachment trial in the Senate. House Speaker Pelosi is delaying sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate in an effort to force Republicans to hear and address the substantive charges of wrongdoing in the Articles of Impeachment. The media is portraying the Pelosi/McConnell stand-off as a personal power struggle. The truth is McConnell is trying to conduct a sham trial. It is our job to hold all Republican Senators accountable and build public support for a fair and just trial. We need 4 Republican Senators to demand a thorough and fair trial of Donald Trump.

The House impeachment inquiry provided compelling and damning evidence that President Trump is guilty of the abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.  We think the Democratic leadership made the correct choice to impeach without the subpoenaed documents and testimony from Executive Branch witnesses. The Senate has the moral obligation to demand those same documents and testimony to underscore Congress’ constitutional power of oversight of the President and Executive Branch. Several Republican Senators have indicated they want a full accounting, not McConnell’s sham.  Senators Murkowski, Collins and Romney have all expressed varying concerns that might lead them to vote with the Democrats to open up a trial to honestly examine the charges made in the Articles of Impeachment. Several other Senators are retiring and have career legacies that should lead them to treat Impeachment as a constitutional duty rather than a merely partisan wrangle.

Since the House voted on impeachment, new damning information has come to light.  Recent investigative reporting by the New York Times and release of emails under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that the withholding of assistance to Ukraine dates back earlier than thought and that the President overrode concerns of his own people about the legality of his actions. The Senate must subpoena these documents and witnesses to learn enough to render a fair judgment on the Articles of Impeachment.

Call to Action:

Call your Republican and wavering Democratic Senators (West Virginia and Alabama) telling them to support Chuck Schumer’s demand for a fair impeachment trial that includes subpoenas of new crucial documents and testimony by additional witnesses from the Executive Branch.  Reach out to others in your network to make the same calls!

Tell the Senators:

  • A fair trial requires the documents and witnesses subpoenaed by the House inquiry.

  • The new information revealed by the New York Times and Center for Public Interest must be considered and new subpoenas issued for documents and witnesses.

  • The constitutional power of any Congress to investigate a sitting president is at stake AND it is the sworn duty of Senators to conduct an impartial investigation of the evidence for the Articles of Impeachment.

Action #2:  Join the 2020 Women’s March on Saturday January 18

Three years ago the Women’s March provided an energetic boost for the resistance movement to get mobilized. Subsequent activism protected the Affordable Care Act, challenged and stayed innumerable heinous Executive Orders and took back the House of Representatives in November 2018.

Let’s use this year’s March to kick off a year of committed action, donating and protesting to build the momentum we need to take back power on November 5, 2020 so that we can begin the essential work of building the world we want to live in.

To find the march nearest you click here.