Vote Your Heart

We hear from worried friends wondering about who to vote for to guarantee Trump’s defeat in 2020. No one knows! Really!! So, turn off the pundits and vote for the candidate YOU think would be the best president – not who you think will beat Trump. The race is not over – the Iowa results are suspect and New Hampshire is a small white majority state. If you live in Nevada, South Carolina or any of the Super Tuesday states, your vote in the next few weeks really matters. There’s plenty of time to strategize and compromise. Now is the time to make your ideas count!

Who represents your vision for the future of the United States? Do you want a woman to lead? Do you want a progressive or a moderate? Is there someone you are most aligned with? This is what you should be to be deciding in your primary or caucus. If we ALL get behind the eventual nominee, they will be electable. They will be elected!

If you look back to this time in the 2016 Republican primary, pundits and polls were focused on Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Who predicted a Trump presidency at that point? No one in the national media.

So far, only folks in Iowa and New Hampshire have had a voice. Even by the end of Super Tuesday on March 3, only 40% of the voters will be heard and only one third of the delegates for the convention will have been chosen. The race will still be open on March 4.

Every candidate has flaws, each will get challenged on issues, pummeled by the press and everyone will be baited by Trump. Stick up for who you want, give them money, canvass or make phone calls and advocate for why you think they will be the best President.

Call To Action

  1. Give money to the candidate(s) of your choice. They need your money now!

  2. If you want to know more about candidates go to their websites or your favorite, trusted media outlet. They are all creating charts/graphics to compare the candidates.

  3. If you want to know more about the election process in your state visit VoteSaveAmerica which has everything you need to get informed, get involved, and get out the vote.