Call to Action
The reversal of Roe v Wade by the Supreme Court last week is the latest - not the last - domino to fall in the reactionary right’s agenda to eliminate the right of privacy including the rights to contraception and reproductive freedom, marriage equality, and protection against anti-sodomy laws. Along with the Court’s recent restrictions on the right to vote, prohibitions on regulating guns, and the pending elimination of key environmental protections, the Supreme Court is imposing an extremist agenda that the vast majority of Americans reject. We must fight back with everything we have!
March! Show up to express your outrage and commitment to keep up the fight for justice. Indivisible, the Women’s March, March for our Lives - all organize and track demonstrations by zip code. If marching isn’t your thing, then…
Donate to campaigns and abortion rights organizations such as Planned Parenthood, NARAL and abortion access funds. And gun control organizations, environmental protection groups and voting rights advocates. Give both locally to support your communities and nationally to help coordinate action across the country.
Volunteer! Somewhere near you there is an activist organization or political campaign who needs your help. This is no time to be on the sidelines. Our strength and hope is in working together to turn back this assault. If you can, volunteer as election workers to help safeguard the vote.
Vote, vote, vote! We must do everything we can to stop the projected sweep of Republicans into Congress and state and local elections. Get involved in every election in which you can vote - especially those at the state and federal level that determine the makeup of your state judiciary, legislature, and the U.S. Congress. And work on local Get Out the Vote initiatives.
For the first time in history the Supreme Court has overturned a precedent to withdraw rights it previously guaranteed. This decision has set the legal stage for a complete reassessment of privacy rights including the right to marry who you choose, the right to use contraception, and the right to seek gender transition.
Despite our anger, despair and exhaustion, we cannot give up. There is no choice but to continue our work for reproductive rights, social justice, privacy, a safe environmental, and sane gun laws.
In these dark and scary times, it may help to remember the history of those who have been in the long fight for racial justice. Generations have worked across centuries to secure freedom, equality and fairness; it is a fight that continues today. Following their bravery, perseverance, and commitment we need to stay in the fight for reproductive freedom, privacy, gun control and environmental justice. It won’t easy but we can’t stop now.
Recommit! The Republican Party can be defeated if we engage and organize. Round up your friends, mourn, march and then organize! Volunteer, donate and GET OUT THE VOTE!