Vol3 N04

Protect Immigrant Families From the Public Charge Rule

The recently announced “public charge rule”, put forth by the Trump Administration’s Department of Homeland Security, will deny green cards (permanent residency) to legal immigrants who use social service assistance programs such as Medicaid (health), SNAP (food stamps), Free and Reduced Lunch or public housing. The policy, designed to favor wealthy and highly educated entrants to the country, jeopardizes the chances of earning green cards for lower income arrivals many of whom come from Latin America and Africa. It signifies a fundamental reversal of our current immigration policy and threatens the well-being of legal immigrants – adults and children - already in the country.

Call To Action

The “public charge” rule is scheduled to go into effect October 15th but is already the target of organizations planning legal action to prevent its implementation.

  • Donate to the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) who are leading the charge

  • Call your Members of Congress and ask them to co-sponsor H.R.3222 - the No Federal Funds for Public Charge Act of 2019 and to also speak out against this offensive policy.

  • Keep up to date on this issue at the website of Protecting Immigrant Families, a national coalition of hundreds of organizations organizing against the administration’s immigration policy.