Vol4 N25

Vote NO on Amy Coney Barrett

Call To Action

Call both your Senators and tell them to vote No on confirming Amy Coney Barrett to fill the seat held by Ruth Bader Ginsberg:

  • Barrett’s legal views are completely out of the mainstream and as a Justice she will vote to restrict individual rights and overturn democratic laws for decades to come!

  • The majority of Americans believe the next president should choose this Supreme Court Justice.

  • Holding a confirmation hearing weeks before an election is Republican court packing! 

Amy Coney Barrett stonewalled the legitimate attempts of Senate Democrats to draw out her opinions and philosophy. Her evasive, misleading and contradictory responses to questions about the Court’s role in gutting the Voting Rights act verged on outright dishonesty. Judge Barrett will undermine and reverse the rights of women and families begun under Roe v Wade Perhaps most troublingly, in her campaign for the seat on the highest court she has repeatedly given speeches in front of anti LGBTQ hate groups. She should not be allowed a seat on the Court.

Ramming through a Supreme Court nomination process right before an election is court packing. Republicans blocked Obama’s choice of Merrick Garland to join the Supreme Court in 2016 under the principle that no appointment should be heard during an election year. Now they have changed their alleged principles to force through Barrett’s nomination two weeks before election day. Because of Trump’s Electoral College win over Democrat Hillary Clinton who had far more votes, Republicans have filled the Federal judiciary with unqualified, highly partisan judges who see their role as limiting individual rights of all kinds. This politicization of the Supreme Court by Republicans is the true court packing. 

We need at least four Republican Senators to vote against Amy Coney Barrett. Republicans need votes from 50 Senators to confirm Barrett. They hold 53 seats and VP Mike Pence would be the tie breaker in an even split. A clear majority of voters believe the winner of the 2020 election should choose the next Supreme Court justice. Let’s rattle the re-election efforts of Republicans by exposing their blatant hypocrisy. 

By forcing this confirmation vote Republicans put the future of the Constitution’s balance of power in peril. Clearly, they trust that a hyper partisan Supreme Court will overrule the laws passed by a Democratic Congress and stymie the actions of a Democratic president. The Constitution says Congress shall set the size and the limits of power for all the Courts. Let your Democratic Senators know that you understand that Republicans have rigged the courts and that they must fight back with every tool they have.

Call both your Senators now.