Call to Action
Call your Representatives and Senators and demand the Impeachment, conviction and removal of Donald Trump.
Rally your friends and neighbors to the work of holding Trump and his lying enablers accountable. Feel free to share this issue of MWR on your social media and use it to write letters to the editor (or op-ed pieces) that argue for accountability AND moving forward.
We have all seen and heard enough. Donald Trump must be removed from the Presidency and punished for inciting the white nationalist riot that attacked and briefly shut down the United States Congress on Wednesday. The Republican Party must be forced to choose between their strongman and the Constitution, between fascism and a multi-racial democracy. Only impeachment and a Senate trial will make the apologists and enablers in Congress and the Republican Party confront their actions and culpability. Only impeachment and removal will draw a line beyond where authoritarian populists will not go. Only impeachment and removal will begin to put the past four years behind us.
Republicans could remove Trump from the immediate exercise of power by invoking the 25th Amendment. It is now clear they won’t do it. Even if they did, it would not address the insurrection that the nation witnessed this week.
We don’t use the term fascist lightly, but what we saw last week was straight out of the authoritarian playbook. From Trump’s speech, which incited an angry mob to storm the Capitol, encouraged the violent disruption of an essential Constitutional action, and blamed the entire fiasco on the victims of the assault - this was a classic fascist attempt to seize power.
The war on truth has now become a war on democratic institutions, as it was always intended to be. When Mitt Romney told his fellow Republicans that the way to restore trust of the people in Constitutional government is “tell them the truth” he was roundly rejected by the majority of Republicans in the House of Representatives who continued to promote the very lies that Trump used to incite his followers across the nation and those that rioted. Fox News and the many smaller outlets on the right continue to promote the lies that led up to this violence and, in doing so, they are inciting their viewers to more mayhem. More actions are being planned for DC and every state capitol as we anticipate the Inauguration.
Throughout modern history the first coup attempt is rarely successful; it often seems ridiculous. Instead, it sets the stage for the coming years. If we ignore last week’s insurrection, declaring that “we want to move forward”, there will be more attempts. Instead, we must take the steps that ensure that every Republican is forced to confront their role in this uprising. If we move forward too fast and do not take the time for Impeachment, we further enable the liars, cowards and seditionists. Impeachment and a subsequent trial will force every national Republican legislator to go on the record: do they support peaceful democratic processes or political violence? A conviction at the Senate trial would tell the nation and the world that this will not happen again.
Your work is to:
demand House impeachment and a Senate trial from your Representatives and Senators.
Work to convince your networks and communities that accountability is essential to moving forward. Write letters and op-eds for your local newspapers, post this issue of MWR to your social media and rally your friends and neighbors to this work.
We have confidence that Congress can both reckon with Trump and his enablers and pass the legislation needed to set us on a new course.