Call to Action
Join a Get Out the Vote initiative that speaks to you.
Donate to one or more Get Out the Vote initiatives so that well trained staff can support the overwhelming efforts that will be needed to thwart Republican voter suppression tactics.
It’s up to us! The defeat of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in the Senate leaves us all with only one option to ensure a free and fair election in 2022 and 2024 . For the past year Republicans have been enacting new legislation to make voting more difficult for Democrats. Now it’s up to us to register voters, protect the ballot count and Get Out the Vote!
There are a variety of organizations - national, state and local - that are organizing NOW! If you are not already working with a group, we think a good starting point in your research is When We All Vote. In 2018 Michelle Obama put together When We All Vote, a national coalition of groups supporting voting rights. The list of partner organizations is a who’s who of voter activism representing diverse constituencies and their diverse strategies. Somewhere in this coalition is work that you can participate in and support.
Here are some of their key strategies:
Recruit and train at least 100,000 volunteers throughout 2022 to register and turn out voters in their communities.
Register more than a million new voters across the country.
Recruit thousands of lawyers to protect voters in the states where the freedom to vote is threatened.
Educate voters on how to vote safely in their states.
Which one (or more) of these best fit your current life situation? Research your options and commit now to be actively involved in 2022. Early organizing and funding is many times more useful and rewarding than jumping in at the homestretch.
We encourage you to act locally AND nationally. Join efforts in your community AND support folks organizing in states where Republicans have put up new and unreasonable obstacles to voting. During the lead up to the 2020 election all of us at MWR got involved in writing postcards and letters to voters in swing states organized by Blue Wave and Vote Forward. We also supported a Colorado based organization focused on registering young voters called New Era Coloradoand worked with local get out the vote organizations including the Democratic Party.
And last, but not least, donate to the organizations who develop well trained staff who can keep the thousands of volunteers organized.