Vol6 N11

The Lessons for November from Kansas

Call to Action

  • Take a victory lap and celebrate the recent vote to protect abortion rights in Kansas. The Supreme Court decision is NOT the last word. The resistance has momentum!

  • Translate this outcome into electoral results in November. Re-energize and re-commit to do all you can to take back state legislatures and widen the Democratic hold on the Senate and House of Representatives.

There was very good news last week from Kansas. Citizens overwhelmingly (59%-41%) voted to protect abortion rights in their famously red state. Kansas went solidly for Trump in 2020 and yet Democrats, Independents and many Republicans voted resoundingly to protect the right to abortion and privacy found in the Kansas Constitution.

What can we learn from this stunning victory?

First, organize! Our fellow citizens in Kansas have shown us how public opinion can translate into electoral outcomes. It takes time, energy, organizing, money and the determination to speak to the broadest range of voters. The majority of Americans support reproductive rights, gun control, higher taxes on the rich, action on climate change and voter protection, to name a few of our top issues. We will make headway on all these concerns if we’re smart about it.

Second, tailor the message to the audience. The Kansas organizers knew that a traditional pro-choice message had to be supplemented with appeals to an audience that didn’t normally think of themselves as liberal. As one organizer said, “We believe every Kansan has a right to make personal health-care decisions without government overreach — that’s obviously a conservative-friendly talking point. We were not just talking to Democrats.” We need to make it clear to voters of all stripes what the Republican agenda for America really is and how much it hurts the interests of the vast majority of voters.

Third, abortion rights supporters worked to identify new voters and increase turnout. They reached out to voters of all stripes and in every county of the state. They brought more young voters to the voting booth. As we look forward, we need to make sure that we broaden our base. If the majority of citizens support our fundamental issues and candidates, then our job is to do the organizing that can bring a diverse coalition of voters out on November 8 to win.

What to do now:

  • Identify a state legislative race where you live that you can work on to help replace a Republican with a Democrat or keep a challenged Democrat in office. Give money and/or time. Help with voter turnout. Write letters to the editor. Post to your friends on Facebook and social media. Use your local networks to get others motivated to do the same.

  • Identify at least one Senate and one House race that you will get involved in to strengthen the Democratic majorities in Congress. It might be a race in your home state or in another state where you have a good reason to care and connect. Follow the script: Give money and/or time. Help with voter turnout. Write letters to the editor and use your local networks to get others motivated to do the same.

  • Many states, counties and cities will have ballot issues that will impact abortion rights and your broader privacy and medical rights. If you live in one of these jurisdictions, join the campaign and become a volunteer and organizer.