Vol7 N03

Check Your Vote! Support Registration for Progressive Voters

Call to Action

  • Check to make sure your voter registration is up to date and active

  • Support efforts to register progressive voters

The election is a ways off, but now is the time to get your election ducks in a row!

Like a distant thunderhead on a hot summer day, the November election seems distant now but it will quickly be upon us. You can safely tune out the manufactured buzz in the press and on social media but it is a good time to make sure you (and your family and friends) have current voter registrations. Many states and counties regularly remove registrations for voters for a number of reasons including not voting in the most recent elections or a change of address.  Don’t assume your registration is still valid. Check it!

There are simple things you can do now to make sure that election day goes smoothly for you and our fellow citizens.

  • Go online with your county clerk and verify that your voter registration is active and up to date. It’s worth checking!

  • Remind your friends to check their registrations. When the election comes up in conversation just drop a short reminder that you checked your registration and urge them to do the same.

  • Join the efforts of Blue Wave Postcards to encourage citizens in key states to register, and to verify that their registrations are active and up to date. All of us at MWR have writtenthese  postcards in past election cycles and are doing it in this one.  We think that the personalized message, the card that has QR codes for voter registration, and the real stamp get recipients’ attention.  Beats phone banking and lit drops by a long mile.  Go here: https://shop.bluewavepostcards.org/

  • Support focused efforts to register Democrat leaning voter.  Labor unions, immigrant rights organizations, LGBTQ+, and progressive/liberal activist groups of all stripes are working on voter registration across the country.  If you are connected to any of these donate your time and or money to keep them going.  Google “(flll in the blank) voter registration 2024” e.g. your voter registration 2024, Latinx voter registration 2024, Native American voter registration 2024, Black voter registration 2024, etc. to find the organization that matches your interests.

If you want to do more…

Here are links to our previous letters urging early action for the 2024 election.