Looking Ahead!

Call to Action

  • Celebrate that starting at noon, January 20, 2021 Joe Biden will replace Donald Trump as President of the United States!

  • Get realistic about what a Biden administration can accomplish. Align your priorities.

  • Turn your attention to state and local politics to help mobilize for the 2022 elections to secure the Congress we need and the state governments that will lead.

Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States! However, it is clear that his ability to deliver on his promises - to bring an end to the pandemic, provide increased access to health care, create a true safety net with good paying jobs, address inequality and racism and tackle climate change - will be deeply limited by a Congress that at best will be evenly divided and most likely held by Republicans.

This means that even if we get the best outcome in Georgia, every Congressional initiative will have to be supported by Republican Senators Romney, Collins, Murkowski and Sasse and moderate Democrats like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. And that’s assuming they decide it’s in their interests to support President Biden’s agenda. Congressional action will only come if we can strike compromises with Republicans and moderate Democrats. If Biden and Harris can find these compromises the resulting legislation will only be partially satisfactory - to get something we will have to give up much.

Still, a Biden Administration can do a lot to improve our lives and the United States economy through administrative action (Executive Orders) and regulatory policies. But never forget that the transformational change we need will require a differently constituted Congress than what we have starting January 4, 2021

What can we as engaged citizens of a democracy do? Turn our political attention and energy to initiatives at the state and local level that will affect the 2022 Election. 

  • Work to make your state’s voting system as inclusive and transparent as possible. Same day registration, elimination of discriminatory practices in registration, early voting, online registration and ballot requests, suffrage for former felons, universal mail-in ballots and easily accessible polling stations, widely available drop boxes, and early starts on vote counting are among some of the criteria of a truly democratic election system. See The Brennan Center for details.

  • Support state and local organizations that are planning voter registration drives among progressive leaning populations. In the short run, that means identifying the groups and donating money to them. But as soon as it’s safe, we should all volunteer to help with in-person voter registration drives. 

  • Keep your eye on reapportionment activities in your state and pressure your Legislators and Governors to redress political gerrymandering and create competitive Congressional and State level districts. This will be one of the highest priorities in 2021.

  • Get involved in the Democratic primaries for your state’s Senator and Representatives. The action begins soon. Identify viable candidates who will support more aggressive federal action on progressive priorities and work for them as soon as you can.

Most importantly, stay safe. Wear masks, social distance, don’t travel or mingle, and stay connected with friends and loved ones from afar. There’s a long way to go before it’s safe to resume our old lives and habits.