Action and Reflection in this Time of Crisis

Suddenly, the world as we know it has been upended by a viral pandemic. We believe a full response includes much more than changes in personal hygiene and social behavior. Fight the pandemic by supporting urgent community tasks and taking appropriate political actions. Finally, with such a radical break from business as usual, this is a singular opportunity to rethink how we live our daily lives.

First things first. Make sure your Senators vote to pass the relief bill that came out of the House of Representatives on Friday night. It’s not yet all we need, but we need this bill now. The vote is soon, so call today! And when you call, let your Senators know that in follow up bills you expect them to target aid that prioritizes low income and vulnerable individuals. This means: more paid sick leave for everyone, stronger unemployment insurance, and greater access to free medical care. Tell them we don’t want industry bailouts or the proposed payroll tax reduction!

Second, there is much to be done in our communities. As schools and universities close, as public buildings are shuttered, as demand drops and layoffs commence let’s make sure that local and state government, school districts and human service providers are putting in place essential support systems such as ongoing meal preparation and distribution for students who depend on school breakfasts and lunches; safe spaces for unhoused individuals to access bathroom facilities, shelter and food; options for stranded international and low income students to remain on campus. Every community is different, but every community has vulnerable populations. Find out what is happening where you live and make your voice heard for the safety and protection of the most vulnerable. Better yet, if you are healthy and willing, volunteer to help your local community agencies with time or money.

Third, there is our own work to do beyond illness prevention. Consider this quote from Thich Nhat Hanh, the Buddhist monk who spent his active life as a peacekeeper in Vietnam during and after the war:

When the crowded Vietnamese refugee boats met with storms or pirates, if everyone panicked, all would be lost. But if even one person on the boat remained calm and centered, it was enough. It showed the way for everyone to survive. –Thich Nhat Hanh

Are you panicking? Are you buying more than you need? Are you following the media 24/7? Are you obsessing about what you can’t do?

Instead, let’s work to find our center and become more grounded. Buy only what we reasonably need. Stay informed with one daily check-in on the news. Enjoy our family, call our friends and celebrate what we CAN do in this interim.

Here is our suggestion to help you manage the difficult emotions provoked by this crisis.

Each time you find yourself afraid, compulsive or angry:

  • Stop

  • Feel your feet on the ground beneath you or your bottom on your chair

  • Take 3 – 5 deep breaths inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. The exhale should be slightly longer than the inhale. 

  • Notice your thoughts and gently interrupt them by focusing externally on one of your senses. 

  • Feel the strong emotions as they move through you and interrupt the stories running through your head. 

  • Repeat as needed

One benefit of this pandemic is that it helps us truly see that we are utterly interdependent. We can see how every action we take affects others and how their actions affect us. Those who flout the public health recommendations put us all at risk; strangers who practice prevention help save our own lives. Through the air we breathe, the food chain we share, and the physical world we inhabit we are completely dependent on the kindness and care of others.

This is an opportunity to think about our impact on others and how we will live when the crisis is over. Will we simply try to resume the life we lived one month ago or will we pay new attention to how each action we take in the world affects others? Now is the perfect time to identify a few changes you want to prioritize and the path you want to follow to be a more considerate citizen of the world.

Call To Action

  1. Call your Senators today and insist that they pass the House Relief bill. Tell them to prioritize low income individuals and families and small businesses rather than industries and corporations. This means more paid sick leave for everyone, stronger unemployment insurance, and greater access to free medical care. We don’t want industry bailouts or the proposed payroll tax reduction!

  2. Advocate and, if you can, volunteer for low income and vulnerable populations in your community who need your support now more than ever.

  3. Monitor and regulate your emotions and actions to avoid panic and depression. Careful attention, kindness and compassion for your family, friends and community are important tools for surviving the pandemic.

  4.  Reflect on how you can be a more responsible member of our interdependent, global society and begin making changes now!