Republicans versus the People

As we all try to make adjustments to the pandemic response it is important to watch and participate in the political moment. The differences between the Republican and Democratic politicians are stark. Trump and Congressional Republicans are focusing on protecting the stock market, bailing out big corporations and putting up new barriers to abortion. Democrats are focused on shoring up the country’s medical emergency response and supporting working people. Trump has promoted a series of lies and fantasies about the disease and the federal response while Democratic and some Republican governors struggle to lead the actual medical and social fight against the corona virus. Support your state and community efforts; support the politics that will shape the future.

The $2 trillion CARES corona virus relief act is a hodgepodge of inadequate half-measures but it clearly shows the value of having Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and a Democratic House to fight for the people. Left to his own devices President Trump would let individuals fend for themselves, states fight amongst each other for limited medical supplies and abdicate national decisions to state and local governments. Trump Republicans care more for their ideology and corporate interests than the health and well-being of Americans. They resist strengthening social safety nets and providing needed regulations and coordination of industry. They relentlessly deny support to the majority of our people who have been on the losing end of economic inequality for decades. 

How else can we explain why the President won’t fully use the Defense Production Act to begin making ventilators and personal protective equipment? Why did McConnell’s original bill provide unconstrained bailouts to the cruise lines who have never paid a dime in taxes? How come there was originally no help for gig economy and low-income workers? The list of this egregious self-serving is endless.

The focus of our national leadership should be on a robust response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, Republicans and Trump are working to rush through significant regulatory rollbacks including weakening auto fuel efficiency standards, not fining oil companies for killing migratory birds, allowing industry to monitor their own pollution, weakening standards for toxic ash and mercury emissions and setting up restrictions on the use of scientific research.

We are seeing a political party using a global health catastrophe as a way to smash and grab for themselves and their supporters. It is up to us to pressure our national, state and local politicians to put people at the center of this crisis.

This is an ongoing story. Congress will need to provide new money and new ways to address this pandemic. And, of course, there will be even more brazen attempts to raid the national treasury for private gain and legislate winners and losers in the future economy.

When the pandemic recedes and dealing with it becomes part of our daily life - when many of us have built immunity, effective treatments are developed and corona virus vaccines are available and we resume jobs, school, and normal family life - we will be living in a new country. The seeds for that future are being planted even as we try to come to terms with shelter in place orders and scramble to figure out how to pay the mortgage. It is up to us to ensure that the lessons from the catastrophe lead to a future that is better than the past we have left behind. 

Call To Action

  1. If you can, use some or all of your “relief fund” check to 

    • support the vulnerable in your community with donations to local human services organizations, and

    • support the national advocacy organizations who are monitoring and challenging the Republican smash and grab. We recommend the ACLU, Fair Fight, ProPublica, Democratic Unity Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council, National Immigration Rights Center, NARAL and Planned Parenthood.

  2. Thank your Governors and local officials who are providing needed safety measures, support for hospitals and medical workers and relief for the small businesses and residents of their communities. 

  3. Call your Senators and Representatives and urge them to be vigilant and insistent that the Federal government support families and individuals first, that principles of equity and fairness underlie all new legislation and that they resist the Trump administration’s social agenda. Thank them for beginning that work by broadening unemployment and sick leave benefits. Tell them to do more for more people.

  4. Contact your favorite (national or local) cause and see what rollbacks the Trump Administration is attempting while all eyes are focused on COVID 19. Take advantage of making public comments to regulatory agencies while they are open for comments. 

As always, take care of yourself by physical distancing and staying home when possible. Eat healthily, get outside (as allowed) for fresh air. Stay socially connected to your networks of friends and family regularly and safely and do what you can to limit your news intake.