Sponsored by Senator Elisabeth Warren and Representative Ro Khanna, The Essential Workers Bill of Rights puts help for essential workers front and center by protecting them during this public health emergency and recognizing the vital work they do. Essential workers include health and home care workers, grocery and drug store employees, domestic workers, food service workers, government employees, janitorial staff, farm workers, meat packing and food processing workers, delivery drivers, postal workers, warehouse workers, transit workers, and childcare workers. These individuals put their health, and that of their families, on the line when they go to work every day. Outrageously, many are not paid much more than minimum wage, have no paid sick or family leave and no employer provided health insurance. Many have no choice but to show up in dangerous situations in order to support themselves, their families and us.
The proposed Essential Workers Bill of Rights mandates access to healthcare, on the job health and safety protections, paid sick leave, and protection for collective bargaining agreements. It provides for pay increases and support for childcare expenses. It properly compensates the risk workers are taking to do essential jobs. And it would hold employers accountable for providing these protections.
We have a moral responsibility to protect essential workers’ health and to provide financial security for their families. It is important to note that beyond our celebrations on Memorial Day, our nation recognizes and rewards service in the military with a wide range of benefits - educational assistance, healthcare, assisted living, home loans, insurance, and burial and memorial services. All our essential workers deserve a baseline of decent pay, sick and family leave, medical benefits, and safe work conditions. The Essential Worker’s Bill of Rights honors those who serve and protect in civilian life.
Call to Action
Call your Representatives and Senators on both sides of the aisle and tell them to include The Essential Workers Bill of Rights in the next Federal relief package; one that provides adequate protection, compensation, and a safety net to all who go to work each day to support our daily lives..