This past week, in the midst of the national and international outrage over the most recent murder of a black man by an American police office, former President Barack Obama and Stacey Abrams of Fair Fight each made the case that achieving racial justice is not an either/or question. We need demonstrations/protests AND political organizing to get out the vote. They are both essential and, when possible, we should all should be doing some of each.
Another both/and approach is needed when it comes to dismantling the glaring, murderous racism of our policing and criminal legal system. We need deep structural and institutional reform (some would say transformation) of policing, bail, trials, sentencing and incarceration AND we must pursue the ongoing personal anti-racist work needed from every white American.
Policing in America Must Change
In 2015, President Obama’s Task Force on Policing in the 21st Century was created in response to the police killings of black men in 2014. The Task Force’s report, linked above, forms the basis of a powerful reform agenda being considered around the country including a new bill from the House Democrats. Critical elements of that agenda include:
Eliminating the federal program of militarizing local police forces through the free distribution of surplus tanks, arms and body armor.
Mandatory body cameras for every police officer and police car dashboard.
Comprehensive data reporting on police interactions with civilians disaggregated by race, ethnicity, gender and LGBTQ status.
Elimination of “qualified immunity” which makes it impossible to hold officers individually accountable for their actions.
Circumventing the practice of police unions obstructing the discipline of officers.
Creating comprehensive data bases of decertified police officers so that they can never work in policing again anywhere in the country.
Creation and empowerment of civilian oversight of all investigations of police misbehavior and open reporting of police discipline files related to interactions with civilians.
Frequent community listening sessions and surveys to track civilian perceptions of police behavior.
Deep commitment to community policing with its focus on building relationships and trust between officers and communities.
Investing in officer physical and mental health.
An insightful unpacking of some of these key issues at the federal, state and local levels is found in this article from The Atlantic.
White Folks Must Work on Their/Our Own Anti-Racism
The systems we live in - law, politics, the economy, education, health care, housing, criminal justice etc. - shape us and are shaped for us and by us. This is true whether we are intensely aware of it or just going about our daily lives. The events of the recent past call on white folks to become students and reformers of whiteness, white privilege, internalized dominance, institutional racism and our role in the world while people of color set the agenda for their own work of personal transformation and healing from the trauma of centuries of oppression.
The institutional and structural reforms described above are absolutely essential for racial justice and the moment for them is now! Equally important is the inner work of confronting our own ignorance, implicit biases, defensiveness and discomfort around issues of race in America. This is not work that must be done only by police officers (or others we see as acting in overtly racist ways); it is work that every white person in America must do and keep on doing.
When it comes to racism, there is no “them (the bad white guys)” and “us (the good white guys).” There is only the” us” of all white Americans who live in, participate in and co-create the culture as well as enable biased and racist institutions. In one way or another, all white Americans share responsibility for becoming better than white America is at this moment.
The work of becoming anti-racist is three fold:
One, educating ourselves about the role of race in our history, economy, and politics. We live in a time when our social relations are being closely examined and we have the opportunity to rewrite the lies and evasions that prop up racism.
Two, listening deeply to the diverse stories of the lived experience of African Americans in this country. This can come from both interactions with people we know and from seeking out oral histories, autobiographies, documentaries, podcasts, etc. Equally powerful is choosing to engage with the artistic expression of African Americans across time in literature, art, film, drama, dance and music.
Third, intentionally unpacking the messages, stories and beliefs we have internalized in our minds, hearts and bodies from family, community, friends, colleagues, schooling, and the cultural productions that shape our lives -television, movies, news and social media and more.
In the next few weeks we will put together some of the many resources now available to help all of us continue on this journey. They will be posted on the MWR website under Resources.
Call To Action
Make a commitment NOW to doing something in each of these areas:
Participate in or support others in demonstrating and protesting the murder of black Americans by police officers.
Work on police reform by educating yourself on the issues and finding allies in your local community. Every police force in the country must change the way it does business and you can be part of making sure they do.
Commit to deepening your own anti-racism by educating yourself, learning about the black experience in America, and unpacking white privilege and internalized racism.
Actively work for a fair election and support “resistance” candidates who can win up and down the ballot.