Celebrate, Reflect, Get Back to Work!

Call to Action

  • Celebrate truly meaningful election victories

  • Take your lessons from the voting results and not the pundits

  • Rally behind Senator Ralph Warnock for a solid Democratic majority in the Senate

It was worth it! You voted; you donated; you made calls and wrote cards; you urged your friends to do the same. And all the while the “mainstream” media spun out increasingly dire versions of the Republicans’ impending Red Wave. Yet, on November 8 we held our own. To be sure the election wasn’t a complete success, but we won the day and can carry on. So go ahead and celebrate!

It is worth contemplating that the media, long before a single vote was announced, declared that Democrats had screwed up. The New York Times, the Washington Post and NPR carried multiple stories about voters who didn’t care about abortion or democratic principles and who just wanted to punish Democrats for inflation and crime. Their verdict: the red wave would destroy President Biden and that Republicans were set to oust Democrats in safe seats across the country.

Moreover, many of the same journalists continue to repeat their story after the actual votes proved them wrong. “Democrats were just lucky; Republicans blew it,” they say. Nonsense. We - candidates campaign professionals and activists - made our best case under very difficult circumstances and the voters (mostly) agreed with us. When we show up, we win!

Still, there is more work to do! Today!

With the victory in Nevada, we have our 50 Senate votes, but there is a world of difference between 50 and 51 Democratic senators. With 51 senators:

  1. Democrats will have a majority on every committee. With 50 senators every Democratic bill dies on a tie vote and must be resurrected by the full Senate with a procedure known as a discharge petition.

  2. No individual Democrat can block nominations or hold bills hostage for their favored special interests.

  3. Democrats can have two members absent and still hold votes.

Raphael Warnock needs our help to win on December 6! It will be an incredibly close vote, an expensive campaign, and every bit of support will help.

There are many ways to support Senator Warnock and a stronger Democratic Senate majority put together by the Daily Kos. Head to their website and pick your favorite. (Blue Wave postcards are already sold out!)